MeTooUni route

Since the birth of the first student networks against harassment in universities in the United States, the movements that we know today as MeToo have not stopped growing and spreading. The aim of the routes is to raise awareness of the problem throughout the country, especially among students in the first years of university, who are starting university this month. As several survivors from different national and international university campuses have already done, breaking the silence is the best form of prevention and action by the entire university community.

MeToo University will take place between the 26th and 30th of September in different Spanish universities. During those days we will travel around the peninsula starting two simultaneous routes, one north and one south. These two routes will have very different destinations and will finally converge in Madrid, where the final event will take place.

The southern route will start on the 26th in the morning at the University of Valencia, leaving the route in the afternoon for the University of Murcia, where an official event will be held. On the way to the next destination, we will make a stop in Almeria and on the 27th we will be at the University of Granada, where we have activities planned. On the 28th we continue the southern route with official events at the universities of Malaga and Seville. We will continue on the 29th with the destinations of Cordoba and Ciudad Real, concluding on the 30th with the final event in Madrid.

On the northern route, on the 27th we will begin with an event at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, followed by a visit to the University of Zaragoza. On the 28th, we will stop in the Basque Country, where we will hold different events in San Sebastian, and in Bilbao at the University of Deusto. On the 29th we will continue the march with two more stops planned in Santander in the morning and at the University of Oviedo in the afternoon. Finally, on the 30th we will be finishing the route in the capital.

If you want to keep up to date with the trip, don’t hesitate to follow us on our main social networks where we will be active:

Twitter: @MTUniversidad @UniswithHeart @WorldMTUni

Instagram: metoo_university; uniswithheart